Yard Sale: for kids, by kids!
A yard sale just for kids will be held August 24, from 8 am to 12 noon. On sale will be children’s items, such as toys, books, clothing, strollers, etc. According to the Children’s Ministry Coordinator, LeeAnn Robbins, the yard sale is a teaching opportunity for children in the church to learn the difference between abundance and necessity. The church will be encouraging families to have these conversations with their children as they make decisions about items to donate to the yard sale. Donated items can be placed in the old children's sunday school classroom.
In addition, the CUMC kids will be settin up a lemonade stand for the yard sale. For more information call 653-2240
In addition, the CUMC kids will be settin up a lemonade stand for the yard sale. For more information call 653-2240