"Where your treasure is, your heart will be also." (Matthew 6:21)
Easy Ways to Give
Automated Debit
Sometimes we want to give, but life gets in the way. We're gone on vacation. Forget our checkbook. Are distracted when the offering plate comes around in church. With Automated Debit, you'll never have to worry again!
With Automated Debit, you decide how much you'd like to give and how often. Then, once or twice a month (you decide), your giving is automatically sent to the church.
It's easy to sign up! Just fill out the form below.
With Automated Debit, you decide how much you'd like to give and how often. Then, once or twice a month (you decide), your giving is automatically sent to the church.
It's easy to sign up! Just fill out the form below.
Online Giving
These days, so many people pay their bills online. Why not give to the church online as well?
Click the link below to give through justgive.org, which is both safe and reliable. You can determine how much you'd like to give, where you'd like your donation to go to, and if you'd like it to recur each month (which makes things easier on you!).
Click now to see how it works, and to give!
Click the link below to give through justgive.org, which is both safe and reliable. You can determine how much you'd like to give, where you'd like your donation to go to, and if you'd like it to recur each month (which makes things easier on you!).
Click now to see how it works, and to give!
N.B. When you are in the process of completing your donation, be aware that there may be a box checked indicating that you would like to give a certain amount to justgive.org. If you would not like to donate to them, you will need to uncheck this box.